Autor (i): Gheorghe, Pinteală
JEL: J61, K37
Cuvinte cheie: migration, European space, acquis communautaire, effects of migration
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) considers migration to be a movement of a person or a group of persons across a border inside a state. Migration is a form of people mobility and includes any kind of population displacement regardless of duration, purpose or form. This category includes: refugees migration, economic migration and migration of people who move for other purposes and under the influence of other factors like family reunion. International migration has an impact over the EU and its member states. Globalization and different international events have contributed to the increase of migration fluxes, especially during the past years. Therefore, the European states are developing their multi-ethnic character and cultural diversity. The EU proposes a global European policy meant to face the challenges of migration. The European policy is built upon European traditions regarding asylum and migration, taking into consideration human rights and humanity aspects, as well as benefits for the EU, migrants and their origin countries. Integrating migrants into the European society means anequilibrium between their rights and their native culture. This brings about benefits for both the migrants' origin country and the society they live and work in. 
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