Autor (i): Erincz, Alicia
JEL: B2,M40,M41
Cuvinte cheie: Economic crisis, accounting policies, investment, recession
The economic crisis can be defined as a sudden disruption of the economic conditions, a situation wherein a country's economy is experiencing a significant drop in activity, driven by a financial overset. Coping with an economic crisis, is also to withstand a drop in the gross domestic product, lower liquidity and price increases due to inflation Responsibility of the accounting policies is to ensure that the business has a real benefit for reimbursement of the investment made. It is therefore imperative that in time of crisis, this important feature of accounting policies to help in solving business problems related to pressures arising from the crisis. This article aims to analyse accounting practices during important times of crisis respectively the Great Recession of 1930 and 2008 Global Economic Crisis.. 
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