Autor (i): Marius Gust
JEL: G12, M59.
Cuvinte cheie: balance household, net wealth, financial assets, real estate.
Population is a major player in the structure of market economy. A part of its role in economic relations can be regarded through its total or net wealth and wealth structure, and also through the debts it accumulates. In Romania over the last decade, the overall economic dynamics has marked net wealth, total wealth, debts and their components. Statistics reveal major increases of the above-mentioned categories but unfortunately they have been partly erased by the financial crisis. One can also note the large share of real estate assets in the structure of the population’s wealth maintained at a lower level, though, i.e. a low level of wealth liquidity. At the level of financial assets in recent years, with a higher share of total assets, one can notice the dependence on high volatility securities which induces this feature into total assets, too. At the level of debts, although their total volume remains relatively low in size, structural changes can be seen towards decreasing the debts generated by consumer loans and, in return, an increase in financial debts due to mortgage loans. 
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