Autor (i): Văduva Maria
JEL: I13, I15
Cuvinte cheie: insurance, financial risk, commercial transactions, external transactions
Insuring financial risks is part of the sphere of property insurance being generated by the economic and financial relations that develop between the economic agents domestically and internationally and by the debtor’s ability to cope with his obligations at due settling date in the relations with the creditor. In conducting the commercial transactions, the risks are inevitable being higher in the external transactions. The financial risk is the potential prejudice to which are subject the interests and entrepreneurial activity in the commercial transactions of sales and purchase, execution of works or provision of services. The insurance system for financial risks contains more products: credit insurance, financial risk insurance form, destined to protect the bankers for the borrowed amounts to customers and the traders and producers against financial damage resulting from the insolvability of buyers who have purchased goods on credit, guarantee insurance by which the insurer joins  the insured to warrant towards the creditor the fulfillment by the insured of his contractual obligations, fidelity insurance, this offers the insured protection against certain damages generated by the confidence granted to the insured personnel that administrates the company assets.  
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