Autor (i): Văduva Maria
JEL: I13, I15
Cuvinte cheie: insurance, risk, financial systems, financial cycle, cash funds
Now insurance is based on the formation and use of insurance fund. In the process of formation and its use appears  certain economic relationships between participants in insurance. Thus, at the first stage, cash flows in the form of insurance premiums are based on natural and legal persons insured by insurance companies. At the next stage, cash flows form of compensation or insured amounts are based on the insurance fund established at the disposal of specialized companies, the policyholders were affected by phenomena insured. It follows that insurance is a system of relationships designed to protect personal interests and / or assets of the insured by forming cash funds at the expense of insurance premiums paid by the insured in return for which the insurer assumes the obligation to produce the insured risk to them pay the insured amount of insurance or indemnity insurance. . 
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