Autor (i): Georgeta Cristina, Pencea
JEL: E23, I21, O10.
Cuvinte cheie: human development Index, education, life expectancy, income.
The article focuses on the analysis of Romania’s performance in the field of human development (HD), as it is presented in the Human Development Reports. This performance is understood as a process of broadening the possibilities of people’s choices, and as the level of people’s welfare.  The year 2010 brought with it changes not only in terms of the HDI calculation but also in terms of a favorable change of Romania’s situation. In highlighting these changes, it is also brought into attention the aspect of inequalities in human  development. The article also contains a comparison regarding the development regions of Romania and also an analysis between Romania and other European countries, in terms of Human Development Index and the Modified Human Development Index. The analisys is accompanied by explanations of the differences coming from the two calculation methods and which is more advantageous for the countries presented in a global rank in according to the level of development.    
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