Autor (i): Adriana Păunescu
JEL: J61, Z13
Cuvinte cheie: migration, immigration, globalization, demography
The actual moment represents the compact effort of the study's integration about migration containing some tips of the real theories, regarding the reality of this international phenomenon.  The chances of seeing such a phenomenon as an unique event, even unrepeatable, are under the risk of stopping its relation with its origins, as an empirical evidence that is hard to control. The temporal-spatial circumstances have foreshadowed the occurrence of the migrants' meshes, and plus it represents the base pillar in the research process of some universal principles that clarify the meaning of migration. The role of different factors, such as the ones of micro, macro and meso-origins, are as a matter of course understood regarding this phenomenological diversity, but unfortunately the concerns related to analogy and prediction, frozen in the augury of a general, unique theory, are fated to failure, being that it hatches the necessity of gap between what is specific and what is bounded to a general frame, which is aimed to help with analyses and references that can be tasted
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