Autor (i): Daniela, Stan
Cuvinte cheie: education, policies on quality education, quality culture, Learning Society
The world has realized that the economic success of the states are directly determined by the quality of their education systems and that the most effective factor of production is human capital expressed in knowledge, skills, creative abilities and moral qualities of individuals in society. The specialists consider that in the economy of the 21st century the education system became a priority branch of production, being regarded as an occupational field, as a profitable investment sphere. This conception concerning the mission of education will dominate the educational policy of most countries in the world in the next period. Improving the quality of the education and training systems is one of the core components of the cooperation between Member States by creating academic networks, study visits and partnerships. The communication from the Commission of the European Communities emphasizes the role of universities and research programs in the Europe of knowledge. The cooperation regarding the policies in the education and training field began with the adoption of the White Paper on education and training "Teaching and  learning-Towards  a  Learning  Society", by  which  the  European  Union defines itself as moving toward a learning society based on acquiring new knowledge and lifelong learning. 
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