Autor (i): Mihai, Roxana-Lucia
JEL: M140, M31, M370
Cuvinte cheie: corporative communication, public relations, marketing communication, organizational behavior
Corporate communication allows an organization to build a communication strategy that combines vision, mission and values, to enable the organization to communicate messages, activities and practices by all stakeholders. Corporate communication integrated marketing communications and public relations to build, maintain and protect a company's reputation and to increase sales. Currently, corporate communication is considered to be an integrated framework for managing public affairs, investor relations, media relations, advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, internal communications, community relations, publicity, sponsorship etc. Generally, corporate communication is recognized as the best possible method of building long-term corporate identity. A well designed and consistent corporate communication strategy with strongest publicity and public relations campaigns reinforces a positive image of an organization. Corporate communication contributes to continuing the process of defining the reasons for which an organization exists by managing relationships with internal and external stakeholders, and by influencing perceptions, expectations and their behavior towards the organization and its environment. 
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