Autor (i): Ioana Catalina, Ghita
JEL: I15, J24, O15
Cuvinte cheie: stress, health distress, employee behavior
Managing stress at work was the aim of the European Week for Safety and Health at Work in 2014, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and its network partners intending to identify ways to prevent, evaluate and fight risks at European level. Stress, a problem and a responsibility for both employers and employees, is considered the second most common health problem associated with work declared in Europe, first place being  occupied by musculoskeletal disorders. Costs incurred by companies related to mental health disorders exceed 200 billion per year. Precarious design, organization and management of work and the improperly social context at work can generate psychosocial risks and can have adverse effects, such as stress at work, exhaustion and depression. In this article I chose to approach only negative stress, called distress and to present how it affects not only the performance at work, but also the personal life and employee’s behavior. 
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