Autor (i): JIANU (Dănilă) Maria Laura
JEL: F02, F13, F42, F53
Cuvinte cheie: globalization, European Union, economic, social and territorial cohesion, foreign policy, trade
The European Union is a global actor, but confronted with internal crises and some are seeing it as a union trying to survive. There are some who believe that its strategy to spread the values that stud on its foundation in the entire world is not going to function. Since 1957 when 6 countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and Netherland) founded European Coal and Steel Community, the European Union has experienced a huge process of enlargement uniting now 28 states. At the beginning it was about putting together the resources for common good purpose, is it still the same, or is it about gaining/ maintaining the power of a few state? The Union’s objectives are to offer its citizens freedom, security and justice, a balanced economic growth for a social progress, and for this the EU promoted social, economic and territorial cohesion, and solidarity within the member states. But if we consider the exit of Britain and the fact that Turkey is still a candidate state when it applied to join in 1987 and in 1997 it was declared eligible to join European Union, EU as success project still remains uncertain. So, issues as: EU position in a more and more globalized world and the level of economic, social cohesion among its member states remains topical. The paper aims to present a framework of EU foreign policy and its interregional relations in order to understand the EU roll as a global actor, using quantitative data from EUROSTAT on trade in good by main world traders, share of national exports in world exports; extra-EU28 trade by main partners, total products, share of exports by partner and extraEU28 trade by member state, total products, share of exports. It will conclude that while the Union in an important international actor, a model of regional integration, a model of multi-level governance, if it’s a successful model, if it is going to survive as a union as large as it is at the moment or as a smaller one remains questionable. 
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