Autor (i): Georgiana Mirela, Mīndreci
Cuvinte cheie: translation, Source culture, Target culture, translator?s position, socio-cultural context
This article aims to present facts and critics’ points of view on two different social and cultural contexts that are related to an author’s, in this case J. D. Salinger, creation and publication of a novel, namely “The Catcher in the Rye.” The first is the American culture of the 1950s and the second is the Romanian cultural and social context at the time of the publication of the first Romanian translation - the 1960s. The presentation of these contexts is beneficial for deeply understanding the influences and the period in which a writer lived and created his fiction. This approach also involves an interdisciplinary perspective, focusing on historical, political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the two cultures involved in the translation process: the Source Culture and the Target Culture. This approach can reveal how important it is for a translator to take into account the specific cultures in question and to use the “tools” specific to each of them. The main aim of this outlook is to help explain how the decisions and choices made by translators can be affected by socio-cultural contexts.
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