Autor (i): Georgiana Mirela, Mīndreci
Cuvinte cheie: common language, specialized language, English for Specific Purposes, communication
Language has different dimensions in communication, according to the purpose of its use. This is the reason why scientific researchers have distinguished between common language and specialized language. The aim of this article is to offer some theoretical insight on the issue and the importance of Language for Specific Purposes, especially on English for Specific Purposes since in this global era, English is the universal language operating as main communication mediator and facilitator between the Source Language and the Target Language. Much of the success of any business is based on good and efficient communication and that is why the correct use of a specialized language has a key role. This article also tries to pinpoint the main problems related to knowing how to use correctly and how to convey the information properly through translation of specialized languages, which is only possible based on expert knowledge and use of the specialized fields and of the language used for communication
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