Autor (i): Sorin-George Toma, Cătălin Grădinaru
JEL: F39, G21
Cuvinte cheie: banking system, China, United States of America, Tier 1 capital, assets, market capitalization
The turbulent economic environment that characterizes nowadays society pushes companies, public institutions, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders involved in the economic game towards flexibility and constant vivid awareness. Banks have to behave in a similar fashion if they want to be competitive on the global market. A strong connection between the world’s biggest banks and the economies they come from exists, China and the United States of America being world leaders. The aim of the paper is to highlight the evolution of the world’s largest banks in the period 2016-2017 by using criteria such as Tier 1 capital, assets and market capitalization. The research is based on a quantitative method. The results of this research show that even though both China and the USA are key competitors in the banking sector, the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China stands out in terms of Tier 1 capital and assets both in 2016 and in 2017. 
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