Autor (i): Dalina, Andrei
JEL: B31, B54, C00, D12, F00
Cuvinte cheie: household, family, household models, household theories
The household is likely to base on one family structure –  two spouses, sometimes together with a number of children. The latest are also likely to grow up, fulfil the age of majority, but sometimes stay further  home, in the same old household with their parents while though they get some jobs around and earn some money in the labour market, as well as their parents. So, this might be the household restricted, versus extensive, but this actually isn’t yet all about households – other kinds of human relationships than legal family might equally make it. And households of one or another kind are found to work similarly –  notice that household is the typical area of non-formal human relationships within and its proper economy is quite informal as correspondingly. Moreover, given and besides all these above, household is unanimously admitted among economic entities – i.e. as manuals do explain that it is autonomous in its economic functions, never subordinated to anyone else, and enough influenced by its environment. 
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