Autor (i): Maria-Elena, Gheordunescu
Cuvinte cheie: personality, behavior, attitude, conflict
Every person has his individual, emotional and conational particularities whose organized ensemble makes up the personality. Each individual is similar to the other members of the group and different from them by the unique impression of his manifestations. Its singularity, the most original fraction of its Ego, is the essence of its personality. We all have had, at least once in our life, conditions such as deep irritation, melancholy, aggression, or anxiety. However, there are certain human behaviors that have transformed these emotional states into permanent, perpetual, and harmful elements for daily activity. They define the so - called "difficult personality" If we do not know how to handle the relationship with such people correctly and preventively, conflict will emerge and frustration or other counterproductive behaviors will be created. This paper aims to make a concise, but edifying analysis of these types of personality and their behavior in conflict 
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