Autor (i): Sorin-George Toma, Dragoş Tohănean
JEL: F00
Cuvinte cheie: ?go global? strategy, China, Chinese Communist Party, outward foreign direct investments
In the last decade China has become not only the first world’s largest exporter but also the world’s second biggest economy. In this respect, the mighty Asian Dragon has made huge efforts to be a global player in the world economy. In view of China’s “go global” strategy, numerous researches have been published especially since the early 2000s, following the rapid expansion of Chinese outward foreign direct investments. This paper proposes to present an overview of the “go global” strategy by taking into account three main frameworks (political, economic, financial). The methodological approach is based on a quantitative method. The paper shows that the “go global” strategy occupies a prominent place in the present and future development of China. 
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