Autor (i): Alina Georgeta & Ailincă
JEL: E61, Q01, Q23
Cuvinte cheie: macroeconomics, impact, forestry, forest economics
 This paper discusses the potential impacts of macroeconomic policies of Romania on forestry and indirectly from forestry to macroeconomic policies. After the 1989 Revolution, macroeconomic policies returned from a centrally controlled economy to a liberalized economy, and the impact of macroeconomic policies (including laws and political decisions) on forestry development have been rather negative. Privatizations that led to the dismantling of energetic and industrial complexes, lack of commitment and lack of public accountability which led to deindustrialization, massive collective and individual lay-offs and the degradation of the agricultural sector and the gradual loss of the economic and biological patrimony of the country were the dominant elements that characterized the Romanian macroeconomic policies in the last two and a half decades until now. Thus, the article tries to extract a series of theoretical and practical elements on the two issues addressed: macroeconomic policies and the forests situation in Romania. 
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