Autor (i): Alina,Voiculeţ
JEL: F60
Cuvinte cheie: transnational corporation, foreign assets, foreign capital investment, competition.
Transnational companies are among the most innovative companies, being responsible for the majority of private expenses for research and development. In the 21st century, competitive advantages no longer consist of products and technologies, but also depend on the speed with which innovation is produced and with which new products can be created and distributed. This acceleration of global competition has been enhanced by the evolution of information. As national and local economic spaces open up to global economy, it becomes more clear that large corporations rather than nationcal economies are the coordinating units of economic relations. It has become possible and advantageous for a transnational company to profit from the differences that exist between regions regarding pay, market potential, standards and employment, taxes, ecological regulations, human resource, etc. Their priority in production, trade, investments and transfer of technology all over the world is unique. Transnational companies have developed from national companies into global concerns that use foreign investments to exploit their own competitive advantages.  
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