Autor (i): Irina, Simionescu (Barbu)
JEL: F6, L26
Cuvinte cheie: risks, context of entrepreneurial phenomena, entrepreneurial activity
Entrepreneurship involves the creation of a new thing, a process which includes a series of behaviors and activities designed to create organizations, the creation of a new economic activity, involving includes many sizes, unique features, like taking risks, recognition of opportunities, motivation and innovation. Entrepreneurship involves a dynamic interaction of entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial aspiration which varies in the different stages of economic development. In this work are included both variables of the individual entrepreneurs, as well as institutional and environmental variables, reflected in the quality of entrepreneurial activity, in the aspirations and abilities of the entrepreneurs. Focusing on the various national, social, cultural, political and economic conditions that form an entrepreneurial profile for a type of economy, we also present how entrepreneurs influence their societies. In addition, an economy can have its own priorities, whether it stimulates innovation, reduces unemployment, increases trade or diversify their industries, the paper reveals both the shortcomings and the areas that need to be improved.  
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