Autor (i): Mihaela, Preda1 Ana Georgina, Călugărescu2
JEL: M10, M12, M54
Cuvinte cheie: management, managers, organization, project, strategy
The present article is intended to develop an analysis of the project manager within the project. As the coordination of the project team is one of the most important and time-consuming responsibilities of a project manager, a good project manager must know how to rigorously plan human resources, assign roles and responsibilities to each team member, improve competencies and interactions of team members, follow individual performance and, last but not least, solve problems and conflicts emerging inside the project team. The project manager is responsible for the team’s success. If the team has low morale and cannot respect the deadlines, he must find a way to solve this situation. If the team members do not understand what they have to do and what is the deadline, the project manager is directly responsible for this. 
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