Autor (i): Mihaela, Tănase
JEL: J 53
Cuvinte cheie: leadership, organization, performance, education
Knowing the subjective factors that define the personality of the leader in the educational field is very
important for the orientation and direction of the leadership act, for obtaining meritorious results. Successful
leaders are capable, communicative, balanced, have an engaging leadership style. An authentic leader inspires
confidence and enthusiasm, encourages communication and initiative, creates a motivating and balanced
organizational climate. It directly influences people's desire and ability to work hard, creating the premises for a
cohesive and efficient organization. The main role of leadership in the education system is to manage the huge
potential of human resources in the school organization in the direction of forming an ethos of communication
and reciprocity, the strongest basis of the process of improving performance. Under the leadership of a
charismatic leader, subordinates will perform their tasks on time and efficiently, which will increase the level of
satisfaction and performance of the school organization, an organization whose operation focuses on creativity,
empathy and relationships. 
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