Autor (i): Dăneci-Pătrău, Daniel
JEL: Z32
Cuvinte cheie: tourist product, research, foreign tourist
Starting from the premise that, in the field of services, their quality is obtained only by making the client their epicenter, we made it our objective to find out to what extent, in the field of tourism, the population participates in obtaining quality tourism products and how their consumption influences individual development and society as a whole. Based on these facts, this paper aims to determine how tourism products should be designed as to comply with the sustainability principles. In this regard, we conducted research on the opinions of foreign tourists who arrived in Constanta, Romania, to find out from them what those who conducted the research in the tourists’ country of residence could not find out. Thus, a combined tourist product was designed to include a circuit in three European countries. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the way in which tourist products are created as to best meet the needs of foreign tourists. This work can be used both by Romanian tour operators and other competent authorities in designing tourist products.
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