Autor (i): Ionescu, Ion Gr. Bocănete, Oana
JEL: B13, B15
Cuvinte cheie: economic ideas, mercantilism, physiocracy, free trade, protectionism
In the present study, we set out to analyze an aspect that deserves to be put into practice, with priority,
and which does not seem to be in the interest of those entitled to answer for it. It is about the flexibility to adapt
economic aspects to the realities of the moment, i.e. to anticipate, intuit, foresee what the course of the economy
would be, even if only a little before the occurrence of risky and unfortunate moments (crises), in order to
counteract , diminishing or eliminating the negative effects that give all the economic parameters, back, lowers
the economic rate becomes the nucleus that produces all that is worse. Although in Romania there is a
specialized institution for various economic-financial forecasts, and not only that, called the Institute of
Economic Forecasting, but also the National Strategy and Forecasting Commission which is organized and
functions as a specialized body of the central public administration, with legal personality, let's be honest, as
noted, Romania has been caught, regularly and without exception, on the wrong foot. So, we raise an alarm
signal, for the urgent need for specialized forecasting and exceptional organization, from an institutional and
administrative point of view, in order to recover from everything that is not efficient, at the present time
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