Autor (i): Ionescu, Ion Gr. Anuța, Lia Maria
JEL: A12, B10, H12
Cuvinte cheie: agricultură, proprietate agrară, cultivarea pmāntului, relații de producție, criză agrară
The purpose of this study is to carry out a comparative analysis, along with the fundamental leap made
by Romania, along with the transition of the economy to the phase of capitalism. From the study we will be able
to observe, the ascending line, in particular, the accumulations, in the agricultural field, because the country
was one in which the population existed and lived, predominantly, in the rural environment, and the basis of the
development of the economy was due to the exploitation of the land, in particular , extensive. We stopped at a
few milestones that we analyzed carefully, with reference to: the effects of the agrarian reform of 1864, the
structure of the agrarian population, the structure of agrarian property, the structure of agrarian property,
production relations - agricultural leases and tenancy, the increase in agricultural areas , grain culture, animal
husbandry, endowment of the land cultivation sector (agricultural inventory), Development of commercial
agriculture, production relations, all this, in the conditions when the natural, economic, social, political
conditions were taking place at moderate, but progressive parameters. At the same time, we are also analyzing
the situation when Romanian agriculture was in a period of crisis, because the facts were unfolding differently
and other, more energetic, but effective measures were needed to adapt to the new conditions. Everything is
exemplified by statistical data of the historical moments we refer to, inspired by credible documents.
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