Autor (i): Iuliana Pârvu Cristina Ciami
JEL: I2; I23
Cuvinte cheie: quality management, higher education, on-line education
This paper addresses the main challenges that the management of higher education institutions must
consider to ensure the quality of online educational processes. The paper highlights the place of online
education in the context of distance education and argues the need to discuss online education as a permanent
way of carrying out teaching activities in universities and not as a state of exception. The paper proposes for
discussion five categories of factors considered by the authors as influencing the qualitative level of the online
teaching-learning processes. Also, the paper expresses the fact that the theoretical and practical approaches
related to the evaluation of the quality of education carried out through information and communication
technology are still at the stage of validation to identify the most appropriate and relevant indicators for
expressing the quality of online education.
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