Autor (i): Alina, Voiculeț Sorin, Manole
JEL: F64, I25, Q01
Cuvinte cheie: sustainability, globalization, sustainable development, sustainable development goals
Sustainable development is a new paradigm, specific to the 21st century, which must be a priority to all
states, regardless of their level of development. Romania, as a member state of the UN and the EU, has taken
important steps in assimilating the concept of sustainable development, by creating a Department of Sustainable
Development and adopting a Strategy for Sustainable Development, by involving national and local authorities
in various projects aimed at implementing sustainability in the Romanian economy and society.
In the university environment, sustainable development subjects are studied, both in bachelor’s and
master’s programs, at some faculties, mainly those with an economic profile, and not only.
However, within pre-university education, with the exception of extracurricular activities or those
within the “School Otherwise” program, of some isolated situations which aim at the participation of some
schools in various projects related to sustainability, we cannot speak of remarkable achievements.
Through this approach, we aim to highlight the fact that students, as future adults, need to master
certain concepts of sustainability in order to be able to identify them in everyday life, because without a
sustained effort, there is the possibility of irreparable damage of living conditions and quality of life.
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