Autor (i): Florinel Cīmpeanu Cecilia Măntescu (Tīlvan)
JEL: M10, M12, M14
Cuvinte cheie: organizations, coaching, managerial position, communication, management
The article focuses on the impact of coaching on the managerial position, to see how it helped managers
find solutions to professional situations such as lack of performance, interpersonal conflicts, reorganizations,
restructurings, mergers, layoffs, etc. I debated the issue by focusing on the behavior of managers, which is
related to their interpersonal skills. Coaching is the alliance between the coach and his clients in a process that
stimulates reflection and creativity to maximize their personal and professional potential. The concept of
managerial behavior was approached, defined as the manifestation of a mental state of the manager that
influences the functionality of the performance of managerial activities: leadership, delegation, sense of
responsibility, personal efficiency, interpersonal communication, self-reflection, self-control, learning and
evolution. Managers play many important roles in an organization's ecosystem. Beyond relaying information
between management and individual teams, managers serve as the most important driver of employee
engagement and motivation.
The approach focuses on helping employees develop their own critical thinking skills through learning.
With a coaching mindset, the organization will see growth and innovation. People who are encouraged to
identify solutions rather than follow orders will feel a greater sense of pride in their work.
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