Rolul si importanta terminologiei anglo-saxone in domeniul managementului afacerilor economice internationale

Autor (i): Lector univ. dr. Ramona-Elena Chitu
Cuvinte cheie: international business management, communication, specialists, franchising, leasing, know-how, lohn.

International business management has become an extremely important field, both as a teaching subject in education and as a science in practice, under the given conditions of economic globalization. The implicit development and diversification of its techniques, functions and strategies have determined a natural renewal of the corresponding economic language. As a consequence, the Romanian economic language had had to adjust and accept the usage of the proper genuine English terms for denominating corresponding notions. Due to their simplicity and accuracy, the English terms ought to be used instead their equivalent translations. On the other hand, the international character of domains such as international business management highly motivates the usage of genuine English terms instead of their Romanian equivalents.

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